Author: Ivan Bonsell

Covid 19 – Early September Update

With the return of students, the University is gearing to adopt a “Covid-aware” approach, in line with what the government are saying. This is basically shifting the emphasis from the University dealing with Covid safety to individuals taking responsibility themselves, by washing hands regularly, wearing a face-covering “when moving around the University” (strongly advised at least) and being regularly tested.…

Rally for decent pay – tonight

Our pay ballot is open until 10th August, so if you’ve not voted yet, please do it now. If you need a replacement ballot paper, you’ll need to call 0800 0 857 857 to ask for a new one. This evening, there’s an on-line rally, hosted by the University of East Anglia branch, details here.

Nursery Ballot Result

Thank you to every member who voted in our ballot over One World Nursery. 74.8% of members who voted were willing to take strike action, but unfortunately, the turnout, at 48.5%, was a handful of votes short of achieving the 50% we needed to give us a legal strike mandate. There’s lots we can say about this, starting with the…

Nursery Ballot is now closed

Thanks to everyone who voted in our postal ballot over One World Nursery. We are still yet to find anyone who thinks closing the Nursery makes sense and we are determined to find a way to keep it open, if the University is willing to discuss that, rather than maintain the fiction that £83,000 or £40,000 a year is a…

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