
UNISON stands for genuine equality by campaigning against all forms of discrimination and campaigning for adjustments to be made to create more equality where necessary.

This page has details of what our branch equality officers are doing as well as news and updates of our self-organised groups. In the meantime. please let us know if you’d like to get involved with what we’re doing.

Report from National Black Members’ Conference 2023 in Edinburgh:

ACHARJEE, B – National Black Members Conference 2023 (Report)

Report from a round table discussion on combatting racism, attended by Bill Acharjee.

ACHARJEE, EPG Round Table Discussions

Here’s a report from Bill, who attended the Stand Up to Racism demonstration in London recently:


And a piece a about the University’s Anti-racist Toolkit:

University of Brighton Anti-Racist Toolkit

Why I joined UNISON…

As a second generation British-Indian, I was born and raised in the UK where, throughout my adolescent and adult life, I have been subjected to various forms of racism, prejudice and discrimination from verbal to physical, directly and indirectly at school, college, university, professional working environments, socialising in bars and clubs and even when stepping out of the front door of home where I was spat at and thrown dog poo.  All these incidents had a long-term negative impact on my mental health, feelings of isolation and that I am a ‘second class citizen’ that doesn’t belong in this country.  Sadly, my late parents were also too afraid to report such incidents to the Police because they had no faith in the British justice system, as such I never had the support to help or guide me through these challenges in my formative years’.

This all changed when I joined UNISON!  Firstly, I started getting involved with the regional Black Members group, which feels more like being a part of a family environment, where I have met like-minded individuals who share the same lived experiences, values and beliefs as I do, and secondly, by getting active and being involved with branch committee meetings and steward training UNISON has given me the ability and confidence to use my voice and words to call out unacceptable behaviour in the workplace and within my community!

Becoming an active member of the UNISON community you will be able to enhance and develop your professional skills by organising events and workshops and take part in education and training opportunities to empower you to succeed and progress within your career and beyond!  How do I know this?  Because the skills I developed from UNISON helped me to secure my dream job as an Equality & Diversity Advisor at the University of Brighton!

If you are truly passionate about helping, supporting, being a positive role model, I would strongly urge you to join UNISON and get involved!  If you want to use your voice to call out issues of social injustice, and inefficiencies of this problematic UK government, I will strongly urge you to get active with UNISON so that we can fight together!

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