Month: April 2016

Brighton and Hove District Labour Party supports Hands Off Hastings Campaign

At it’s last all members meeting the following motion put forward by Preston Park ward was passed. “This Labour Party branch notes the University of Brighton Senior Management Team and Board of Governors’ decision to wind down the Hastings campus over the next two years leading to closure in 2018 putting jobs at risk and disrupting students’ education.   This…

Meet Adam

We are happy to announce we have a new branch officer; Adam Shropshire. Adam works in Academic Services on Falmer campus and is our branch Disabled Members Officer. The reason I got involved with the post of disability’s officer is because I myself was paralysed and disabled; wheelchair bound for nearly 2 years, so it gave me an insight into…

Calling Black Members

A couple of dates for your diary: 16 July – Regional Black Members Committee Meeting (at UNISON Ranger House, Guildford GU1 4UL) 19 November Regional Black Members Committee Meeting (at UNISON Centre, London, NW1 2AY) Please note, all black members are welcome to attend. Contact for more information. ___________________________________ TUC Education have a Black Activist Mentoring Scheme. If you…

NEWS from Sussex Defend the NHS

Please find attached a flyer concerning an appalling new govt initiative which will destroy the NHS in the next few months. Sounds like a conspiracy theory? Tragically it is all too real. We have seen today a letter from our region’s supremo to the CCG and HWB If you haven’t heard of it it is the Sustainability and Transformation Plan.…

EU debate

On 12th May there is a public debate organised from the University of Brighton’s School of Humanities on the European Union Referendum. Caroline Lucas (MP for Brighton Pavilion) will be debating Tom Hickey of the University on ”In’ or ‘Out’ – which Way for the Left?’ Details are below. It’s at 8pm on 12th May in The Old Courtroom, Church…

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