Author: Sarah Pickett

UNISON Webinar for LGBT+ History month, Wednesday 24th February

News from UNISON South East Regional LGBT+ Group. Please join us for a special webinar in celebration of LGBT+ History Month this February to which all members and activists are welcome to attend. Susan Mawhood, UNISON National Officer for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender+ Equality, will be with us to discuss UNISON’s history supporting the LGBT+ Community and the excellent work…

Petition to Stop Redundancies at Sheffield Halllam University Students Union

Staff at Sheffield Hallam University’s Students’ Union are fearful for their jobs, following the start of formal consultation this week on proposals to restructure the organisation and slash staff numbers. 40% of Students’ Union staff have been formally placed “at risk”. Please sign this petition to stop these proposed redundancies at Sheffield Hallam University Students Union.    

Our branch’s nomination for General Secretary

Our branch committee nominated Paul Holmes for UNISON General Secretary because: Paul has the best record of leadership and fighting for members; Paul is the members’ candidate, from the shop floor; Paul will take the job on his current wage of £32,000, declining the £100,000 available; Paul will massively increase funding to branches so we can support you better; Paul…

UNISON Women’s Conference 2019 – A delegate’s and visitor’s perspective.

Women’s Conference, Bournemouth, 14th – 16th February 2019 Julie Beasley – A Visitor’s Perspective As last year, this was an interesting and lively conference, covering a wide range of topics too numerous to mention in a short report. What follows here are some highlights for me, and possibly some ideas or campaigns for branch committee to highlight to members. Conference…


UNISON GUIDE ON RESPONDING TO THE CONSULTATION ON REFORM OF THE GENDER RECOGNITION ACT   Introduction The Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) governs how trans people can have their identity legally recognised. This was groundbreaking in its time, but it is now seriously out of date and needs reform. The Government is holding a public consultation on reform of the…

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