A demonstration has been organised for this Saturday to raise awareness of and show solidarity for people in Chechnya who are being rounded up, tortured, and murdered on suspicion of being gay. Details of petitions will be available asking Theresa May to use her position and influence to put pressure on Putin and Kadyrov to cease these human rights violations…
Author: Sarah Pickett
National Protest against Driver only trains, April 26th, Old Palace Yard, Westminster
April 26th marks a year of the RMT Southern Guards determined industrial action against driver Only operation (DOO) with over 30 strike days taken so far and more days planned until they can reach a joint settlement. The DOO dispute is about safety, security and accessibility on the railways , and is one which puts passengers before profit. To mark that…
Unions call on university employers to improve their pay offer
Unions call on university employers to improve their pay offer
SAVE THE DATE – University of Brighton UNISON AGM March 8th in Cockcroft hall.
The University of Brighton UNISON AGM will be held on Wednesday March 8th in Cockcroft hall. The meeting is 12 .30 – 2pm (12 if you want a buffet lunch) and members will be getting an invite in the next week. This year’s AGM will include: * Kath Owen, speaker from UNISON Higher Education Service Group Exec * Reports from…
VOTE YES FOR STRIKE ACTION, Try this calculator to see how much your pay has fallen behind in real terms.
Try out the pay calculator below to see how much you have lost with unfair pay deals. When negotiations fail there is no other option. The decision to strike is never an easy one but sometimes it is the only one to put right inequality. https://unison.typeform.com/to/Ftn8ZW
University staff urged to strike for better pay.
Higher Education members urged to strike for better pay
Don’t Stop Bursaries for Student Nurses
Don’t Stop Bursaries for NHS Students Please sign and share this petition and call on the Government to stop this short sighted, unfair and cruel cut to nurses’ bursaries .