Category: Pay

2018-19 Pay: National Industrial Action Ballot announced

UNISON’s Higher Education Service Group Executive met yesterday to decide on the next steps for this year’s pay campaign. The consultative ballot of all branches returned an overwhelming vote in favour of rejecting the “final” offer of 2.0% or £450, which is consistent with the message received from our branch’s membership. Members will receive ballot papers to their home addresses…

2018-19 Consultative Pay Ballot Result

The results of our ballot of Brighton branch members on whether to accept or reject the “final offer” of 2.0% or £425 is follows: 84.2% voted to REJECT the offer. 15.2% voted to ACCEPT the offer. The turnout was 57.7%. Thanks to everyone who voted or persuaded others to vote. This is the highest turnout we have had in a consultative ballot…

Vote YES TO REJECT – Consultative Pay Ballot 9th – 26th July

As promised, we’re balloting all our members on the employers’ final offer of 2% or £425. We think this is a below-inflation, real terms pay cut, and so we’re recommending that members vote to REJECT it. There’s further information in the July newsletter (out soon) and on UNISON’s national website. Ballot forms will go out from next week and…

2018-19 Pay: Final offer of 2.0% or £425

UNISON negotiators met the employers’ organisation (UCEA), alongside sister trade unions yesterday (10th May) to hold the final of three scheduled meetings to discuss the pay increase for all University employed staff due on 1st August 2018. UCEA made a final offer of 2.0% or £425, whichever is greater. (At Brighton, this would mean a range of increases between 2.0% and…

University of Bath agrees to reinstate living wage – we want this at Brighton!

UNISON has welcomed a commitment by the University of Bath to reinstate the living wage – currently £8.75 an hour – from next week, and seek accreditation as a living wage employer with the Living Wage Foundation. But the union, which represents some 300 staff at the university, warned that while this is an urgently needed first step towards addressing…

More on 2018-19 Pay Negotiations

The five higher education unions (including UNISON and UCU) met UCEA, the employers’ organisation for the second of three scheduled meetings last week. UCEA have published a document, which tries to make the point that higher education workers have done quite well for ourselves lately (!) and that universities are either short of money or will be soon. Anyway, an offer…

2018-19 Pay Latest

University pay talks begin UNISON describes first meeting as ‘constructive’ UK-wide pay talks for higher education got under way on the 26th March, involving employers and all five unions: UNISON, Unite, GMB and academic unions UCU and EIS. Although no offer has been tabled, UNISON described the discussions as “constructive” and all parties have said they intend to make progress…

Pay Up Now Rally – Runnymede, Saturday 7th April

We’re supporting Surrey County UNISON branch to lobby Phillip Hammond MP End the public sector pay cap! £10/hour minimum wage! No to Austerity! We’ll be meeting in Brighton to travel to Egham and march to the Runnymede Memorial. Invited speakers include John McDonnell MP, Dave Prentis UNISON General Secretary, Len McCluskey UNITE General Secretary, Jac Berry, Diana Leech and Dan Sartin NEC Members. All…

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