Category: Uncategorized

Nursery Ballot Result

Thank you to every member who voted in our ballot over One World Nursery. 74.8% of members who voted were willing to take strike action, but unfortunately, the turnout, at 48.5%, was a handful of votes short of achieving the 50% we needed to give us a legal strike mandate. There’s lots we can say about this, starting with the…

Nursery Ballot is now closed

Thanks to everyone who voted in our postal ballot over One World Nursery. We are still yet to find anyone who thinks closing the Nursery makes sense and we are determined to find a way to keep it open, if the University is willing to discuss that, rather than maintain the fiction that £83,000 or £40,000 a year is a…

Nursery Postal Ballot is now live!

Our ballot over the closure of One World Nursery is happening now. If you work directly for the University, please look out for your ballot paper and return it as soon as possible. There’s more information in our June newsletter and we’ll be contacting members to check you have voted. Please let us know when you’ve posted your vote. If…

One World Nursery consultation

Thanks to everyone who responded to our consultation over industrial action to support the nursery workers at One World. Sorry for the multiple emails to ask you all to vote, but it was and still is important that we have an accurate assessment of the branch’s feeling over this issue. On a 54.6% turnout, 86.7% of members who voted were…

Community engagement?

We’re all very proud of the University’s community engagement. Unfortunately, it seems like this commitment to being deeply rooted in the community, now doesn’t extend as far as finding £83,000 a year to support the continuation of One World Nursery. How closing down the last remaining nursery, offering childcare and early-years education helps “widening access to study” is anyone’s guess,…

Save One World Nursery! Please help us campaign to keep it open!

The University Executive Board have decided to close the last remaining nursery for good at the end of July. This will mean the destruction of a valuable and well-respected university service, which has been providing education for early-years children for decades, as well as making people redundant. Our branch, alongside all eleven nursery workers, are opposing this and campaigning for…

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