UNISON Strike Action – Thursday 16th, Friday 17th, Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st

Our “long weekend” of strike action starts on Thursday with four days. We’re serious about a resolution to the imposition of a massive real-terms pay cut from August last year and we can’t continue to accept the reduction to our wages this implies. We know the University of Brighton is in a poor financial situation, but this is national campaign…

Strike Action over Pay – 24/25/30 November

You will know this already, but we’re planning strike action again on 24th, 25th and 30th November. This time, we’ll be striking alongside UCU at virtually every university and about 20 UNISON branches with a strike mandate. The Vice-Chancellor’s recent email recognised that the planned industrial action “stems from genuine concerns about the cost of living”. It is also about…

October strikes “out of office” message

If you’re on strike this week, why not leave an out of office message that’s something like this? “Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, I won’t be at work on Thursday, Friday and Monday because I’m a member of UNISON, taking strike action as part of a campaign for university workers to be paid properly. Our pay has fallen dramatically,…

13th, 14th and 17th October

We’re giving the University notice of strike action over pay on Thursday 13th, Friday 14th and Monday 17th October.  This is because we can’t accept the imposed increase in August, which is so far below the cost of living that it represents a real terms pay cut of between 9% and 4%. We’ll be organising picket lines and calling on…

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