We’ve done it again! Our branch has beaten the undemocratic turnout threshold with a majority of members voting and an (almost) four to one vote in favour of taking strike action to oppose the August 2021 imposed pay rise (real-terms pay cut.) Thanks to everyone who voted, especially those who made an extra effort to get a replacement ballot paper.…
2nd December strike success, in spite of UEB’s wrecking tactics
First of all, thanks to all those members who were involved in our one day of strike action last Thursday. Whether you were there on the picket lines, on the demonstration or just withdrawing your labour for the day, we recognise the sacrifice you’ve made and your willingness to support the branch and each other, in trying to achieve our…
2nd December Strike Special Edition Newsletter
Three days to go until our strike over pay. We’ve written a special newsletter, which is in the Newsletter section of our blog. Please read it and let us know if you have any questions.
Thursday 2nd December – Strike Date Announced
As you know, we’ve been using our strike ballot mandate to campaign for the University to make bonus payments to support staff, to make up for the pay freeze imposed on us all in August 2020. We first made the claim in the middle of October, and the Vice Chancellor’s response, via a number of letters, has invariably been that…
Eastbourne – more educational vandalism dressed up as progress
Many people will be shocked and saddened by the announcement made last week about the University’s proposal to consolidate its estate in Brighton and pull out of Eastbourne. It doesn’t feel that long ago since Hastings was closed, but Eastbourne has much deeper and historic roots and many Eastbourne staff have given decades of service to the University. It has…
Ballot for strike action – a response to the VC’s email
It is true that UCU are currently balloting their members over pay, workload, pay gaps etc. This is a national dispute across many universities and UCU are looking to force UCEA, the employers’ organisation back to negotiate a meaningful settlement to address these issues properly. The 1.5% uplift in pay from August 2021, was imposed at the end of the…
Please complete our survey on hybrid and homeworking
The South East Regional Equality Action Group launched a survey last week on hybrid and homeworking, to find out if the switch to new ways of working are beneficial to UNISON members, or whether this change in workplace culture is having a detrimental effect on certain groups of workers. https://southeast.unison.org.uk/news/article/2021/09/hybrid-and-home-working-ensuring-an-inclusive-approach/ It only takes five minutes, or less than that if…
Letter to the Vice-Chancellor over Covid
This letter was sent to the Vice Chancellor after our joint meeting with UCU, held on Friday 17th September: Health and Safety Letter to the Vice Chancellor from both trade unions 20-09-21
Covid 19 – Early September Update
With the return of students, the University is gearing to adopt a “Covid-aware” approach, in line with what the government are saying. This is basically shifting the emphasis from the University dealing with Covid safety to individuals taking responsibility themselves, by washing hands regularly, wearing a face-covering “when moving around the University” (strongly advised at least) and being regularly tested.…