Eastbourne – more educational vandalism dressed up as progress

Many people will be shocked and saddened by the announcement made last week about the University’s proposal to consolidate its estate in Brighton and pull out of Eastbourne. It doesn’t feel that long ago since Hastings was closed, but Eastbourne has much deeper and historic roots and many Eastbourne staff have given decades of service to the University. It has…

Please complete our survey on hybrid and homeworking

The South East Regional Equality Action Group launched a survey last week on hybrid and homeworking, to find out if the switch to new ways of working are beneficial to UNISON members, or whether this change in workplace culture is having a detrimental effect on certain groups of workers. https://southeast.unison.org.uk/news/article/2021/09/hybrid-and-home-working-ensuring-an-inclusive-approach/ It only takes five minutes, or less than that if…

Covid 19 – Early September Update

With the return of students, the University is gearing to adopt a “Covid-aware” approach, in line with what the government are saying. This is basically shifting the emphasis from the University dealing with Covid safety to individuals taking responsibility themselves, by washing hands regularly, wearing a face-covering “when moving around the University” (strongly advised at least) and being regularly tested.…

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