Agreed at our December Branch Committee meeting: This union branch notes: 28 November 2020 marks the bicentenary of the birth of the German revolutionary, philosopher and radical social and political theorist Friedrich Engels in 1820. Engels alongside Karl Marx played a critical role in helping the development of the British and international working class movement, though his writings – including…
Month: December 2020
Reinstate Louise Lewis
Louise Lewis is an NEU rep at North Huddersfield Trust School who is being disciplined by the school and could face dismissal. She is not able to communicate with any of her colleagues or speak publicly about her case which has in effect gagged her, just at a time when the school membership needs her the most. NEU members at…
2020-21 Pay Consultation Result
Thanks to everyone who responded to our pay consultation. 88% of those rejected the 0% “offer” on a 46% turnout. UNISON’s leading body decided last week to recommend a national ballot of all university branches, which will hopefully take place early next year.