Author: Ivan Bonsell

Results of the 2023-24 Pay Re-ballot

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve once again beaten the 50%+ turnout threshold in our pay re-ballot. 75% of members who voted were in favour of strike action, on a 53% turnout. Thanks to everyone who made the effort, especially if you had to call to get hold of a replacement ballot paper. We’ll now use our mandate to continue…

Please support Louise, running for CALM over the next year

Louise is running for the Campaign Against Living Miserably “CALM is leading a movement against suicide. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. CALM exists to change this by offering life saving services, provoking conversation and bringing people together to reject living miserably. £8 is enough to fund one…

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