As you’ll know, we took strike action on 2nd and 3rd October to pressurise the University and UCEA, the employers’ organisation to which the University is affiliated, to re-open negotiations over the 2023-24 pay round. Thanks to our pressure, we were given between 5% and 7% in August, depending on spinal point, but with inflation very high at the time…
Author: Ivan Bonsell
New upload – Bill Acharjee’s report of UNISON Black Members’ Conference 2023
You can find it here: Equalities | University of Brighton UNISON Branch 2024’s Black Members’ Conference is in Brighton this year. 2024 National Black Members Conference | Events | UNISON National We have a delegation ready to attend, but if you’d like to attend some or all of it as a visitor, just let us know.
FAQs for Strike Action – 2nd and 3rd October
We’ve updated some of our FAQs. Please have a look, especially if you’ve not been on strike before. October 2023 Pay Strikes FAQs
Our proposed strike dates: Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd October
After our ballot, where 75% of members voting were in favour of taking action, UNISON has decided to call an England-wide strike across all university branches with a mandate. This is due to the inadequacy of the 2023-24 pay increase (5% to 8%, depending on grade, which is still well below inflation and therefore a real-terms pay cut). Of course,…
Please support Louise, running for CALM over the next year
Louise is running for the Campaign Against Living Miserably “CALM is leading a movement against suicide. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. CALM exists to change this by offering life saving services, provoking conversation and bringing people together to reject living miserably. £8 is enough to fund one…
2023-24 Pay Ballot Result
We’re pleased to announce the results of our strike ballot over the 2023-24 pay increase: 74.5% of members voting, voted in favour of strike action, on a turnout of 56.3% A massive thanks to everyone who voted and everyone who encouraged others to vote. As we know, the rules are set to make it extremely difficult for union branches to…
“Death of a Nursery”
Members who’ve been here for more than a few years may remember our campaign to save the childcare provision at the University. With the Brighton Centre for Contemporary Arts due to close, and other “non-core business” activity being scaled back, you may be interested in this article, written by someone who long-standing members may know. Death Of A Nursery –…
Please remember to vote in our pay ballot!
If you work directly for the University, you should have received a green envelope at your home address with a ballot paper in it. It’s really important that we maximise the number of members voting, which is why we’ve spent weeks contacting members asking them to vote. Please don’t be one of those members who doesn’t manage to have your…
Support Fair Pay for Students’ Union Staff!
BSU staff have experienced nearly a decade of below-inflation pay awards, and we believe it is time to take action. The University of Brighton UNISON branch has submitted a pay claim on behalf of staff working for Brighton Students’ Union (BSU) in the 2023/24 academic year. The pay claim has been put forward due to several factors that affect BSU…
Fossil Free Careers Campaign
University of Brighton Unison is backing the Fossil Free Careers campaign after a motion was passed at the Annual General Meetings in March 2023. The campaign calls on the University of Brighton Careers and Employability team to stop actively promoting careers in the oil, gas, and mining industries. This means no longer inviting these companies to attend careers fairs, to…