Author: Ivan Bonsell

2019 General Election Result

Some thoughts, in an entirely personal capacity of course…. The Conservative victory at the general election is a major setback for working people. The bumbling bigot Johnson will whip up prejudice and launch further attacks on our services, livelihoods and environment. This was not a Trump-like victory. Trump mobilised a base organising mass rallies, for example. By contrast, Johnson boycotted…

UCU Strike 25th November – 4th December

UCU members are taking strike action across the University for eight working days from Monday 25th November. We support the strike! UNISON members at the University voted 78% in favour of strike action over pay, with a 51% turnout. Our members feel exasperated about real-terms pay falling over the last ten years and wanted to campaign for something better, but…

2019-20 Pay Ballot Results

National Result: nearly two thirds of members who voted, voted in favour of strike action, but the turnout fell short of the 50% required for legal industrial action to take place. First of all, thanks to all our members who voted, particularly those who made the effort to call and get a new ballot paper. We really appreciate the level…

2019-20 Pay Ballot – Last chance to vote!

Since ballot papers were first posted out to home addresses on 9th September, we’ve been campaigning to make sure that all our members use their vote. We’ve send out emails, handed out newsletters and leaflets and spoken to hundreds of people because it’s important that we maximise the turnout. Without at least 50% of our members voting, on a national…

Pay Ballot – have you voted yet?

We’re half way through the pay ballot which closes on 30th October. UCU are also balloting to the same timescale. It’s important that all our members vote and we’re encouraging members to vote YES for strike action, because what we’ve been offered (and what has been imposed) falls well below what we asked for and well below what we deserve.…

Global Climate Strike 20-27 September 2019

Support the Striking School and College Students! I don’t need to start this by outlining the latest predictions from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). All reasonable people recognise that without serious and significant intervention on a global scale, the planet is heading towards a drastic increase in extreme weather conditions which will have a disastrous effect on…

2019-20 Pay Ballot starts 9th September

If you work directly for the University, you should receive a ballot paper to your home address within days of the 9th September. Your employer’s pay offer isn’t good enough. Living costs have soared and yet most staff have been offered another pitiful pay increase of just 1.8%. So we’re asking UNISON members like you to join with colleagues and vote YES…

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