Author: Ivan Bonsell

2023-24 Pay Ballot Result

We’re pleased to announce the results of our strike ballot over the 2023-24 pay increase: 74.5% of members voting, voted in favour of strike action, on a turnout of 56.3% A massive thanks to everyone who voted and everyone who encouraged others to vote. As we know, the rules are set to make it extremely difficult for union branches to…

“Death of a Nursery”

Members who’ve been here for more than a few years may remember our campaign to save the childcare provision at the University. With the Brighton Centre for Contemporary Arts due to close, and other “non-core business” activity being scaled back, you may be interested in this article, written by someone who long-standing members may know. Death Of A Nursery –…

Please remember to vote in our pay ballot!

If you work directly for the University, you should have received a green envelope at your home address with a ballot paper in it. It’s really important that we maximise the number of members voting, which is why we’ve spent weeks contacting members asking them to vote. Please don’t be one of those members who doesn’t manage to have your…

Fossil Free Careers Campaign

University of Brighton Unison is backing the Fossil Free Careers campaign after a motion was passed at the Annual General Meetings in March 2023. The campaign calls on the University of Brighton Careers and Employability team to stop actively promoting careers in the oil, gas, and mining industries. This means no longer inviting these companies to attend careers fairs, to…

Imposed Pay Scales March 2023 & August 2023

Here’s my attempt to show the effect of the February/March 2023 pay uplift and what has been imposed for August 2023. UNISON has not accepted this, and we’ll ballot later in the year over strike action, but this should explain what’s been offered by UCEA. Figures are not official and could be subject to errors (entirely my own) and rounding…

UNISON Strike Action – Thursday 16th, Friday 17th, Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st

Our “long weekend” of strike action starts on Thursday with four days. We’re serious about a resolution to the imposition of a massive real-terms pay cut from August last year and we can’t continue to accept the reduction to our wages this implies. We know the University of Brighton is in a poor financial situation, but this is national campaign…

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