Author: Ivan Bonsell

Pay Ballot Rally – Watch it here now

If you missed our pay ballot rally last week, you can watch it here, featuring our very own Lizzie. Higher Education Pay – strike ballot online rally – YouTube We’re now mid-way through our ballot. All members working directly for the University should have received a ballot paper at home, so please make sure you return it and let us…

Pay Ballot Strike Rally – Thursday 28th July at 1pm

Pay strike ballot rally – online launch We are pleased to announce Christina McAnea, UNISON General Secretary and Jon Richards, UNISON Assistant General Secretary, as speakers at our online rally as part of the strike ballot launch for Higher Education pay. There’s also our very own Lizzie speaking, so please try to attend if you can. Date: Thursday 28 July 2022 Time: 13:00-14:00 Register…

2022-23 Pay Ballot – please make sure you vote!

On 22nd July, thousands of UNISON members working at universities will be issued with ballot papers over the pay dispute for the pay rise due in August. Ballot papers will go to home addresses. With inflation at 12% or 9%, depending on which measure you use, anything less than these seemingly massive increases, will represent a significant pay cut. The…

2022-23 Pay Consultation Result

The pay consultation closed on Friday. Thanks to all those to responded to the emails. 81% of members who responded wanted to reject the proposed pay offer (3% plus more for the lower grades) on a 47% turnout. This is a solid result and broadly in line with the national picture, which was overwhelmingly to reject a derisory pay offer…

Further Strike Action over Pay – 1st and 4th April

We’ve decided that further action over pay will be necessary. You would hope that representatives of the employers would recognise that a 1.5% increase under the current circumstances would be pathetic, but apparently not. So, after some careful discussion, the branch committee decided that we’ll call on members to take more action at the start of April. Please bear in…

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