Author: Ivan Bonsell

#WorldAgainstRacism- a meeting open to all UNISON Members

We’re happy to support this on-line meeting, hosted by North West UNISON Black Members’ Committee…   #WorldAgainstRacism- a meeting open to all Unison Members 6 pm to 7 pm , Thursday 18th March Speakers: Roger McKenzie, Assistant General Secretary, Unison Glen Williams, National Chair, Local Government Service Group Executive Liz Wheatley, Branch Secretary, Camden Unison   This meeting is to…

Latest national advice from UNISON is here:

January_Higher_Education_Advice This is generic advice concerning the latest situtation. If you are asked to work on-site and you’re not happy, or if you’re asked to work from home and struggling with childcare, our advice remains: Please make sure you talk to your line manager about your concerns. Fill in the return to work questionnaire. Ask to see the updated risk…

January 2021 lockdown – here we go again

I’m sure many members will have heard Monday night’s announcement thinking this should have been done at least a day earlier and also, here we go again. In many respects, we’re back to where we were in late March, but with the added experience of nine months of lockdown and semi-lockdown, arguments over face-coverings, ventilation, essential activities etc. The government…

Motion to Support the Engels in Eastbourne Campaign

Agreed at our December Branch Committee meeting: This union branch notes: 28 November 2020 marks the bicentenary of the birth of the German revolutionary, philosopher and radical social and political theorist Friedrich Engels in 1820. Engels alongside Karl Marx played a critical role in helping the development of the British and international working class movement, though his writings – including…

Reinstate Louise Lewis

Louise Lewis is an NEU rep at North Huddersfield Trust School who is being disciplined by the school and could face dismissal. She is not able to communicate with any of her colleagues or speak publicly about her case which has in effect gagged her, just at a time when the school membership needs her the most. NEU members at…

Information Services Dispute – Update 23/11/20

Since October, both UNISON and UCU have been in dispute with the University over their proposal to reorganise IT support and Print Services, which initially would have meant compulsory redundancies for a number of people. At the start of the consultation exercise, it was not clear how many jobs would be threatened, but we estimated somewhere between 15 and half…

Consultative Ballot Result

We’re pleased to announce the result of our consultative ballot over the University’s proposals for changes to Information Services, which will potentially mean compulsory redundancies being imposed. With a turnout of 56%: 82% of our members are willing to take strike action, 95% of our members are willing to take action short of a strike. Thank you to everyone who…

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