Category: Pay

University of Brighton fails to match the Real Living Wage

Cambridge University is leading the way on pay, says UNISON, whilst Brighton lags well behind. Responding to the announcement that the University of Cambridge is to seek formal accreditation as a real living wage employer, UNISON’s head of higher education Donna Rowe-Merriman said: “Cambridge University’s commitment to give its lowest paid staff a fair wage is a move that urgently needs…

2017-18 Pay Claim

The trade unions have submitted a joint pay claim for the increase due 1st August 2017. Higher education unions submit 2017-18 pay claim Key points from the claim are: An increase to all spine points on the national pay scale of RPI plus £1,200, or RPI plus 3%, whichever is greater; £10 per hour minimum wage with all HEIs to become…

2016-17 Pay Ballot Result

The result of the national pay ballot across all universities was as follows: 3,381 voting in favour of taking strike action (54.9%) 2,782 voting in favour of not taking strike action (45.1%) The Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) met in September and voted to not take any action in the form of a strike, so we’re still technically in…

Pay Ballot is now live!

Higher education pay ballot 2016 Vote yes to strike action in the higher education pay ballot Reject the 1.1% pay offer   Ballot opens 30 August Ballot closes 19 September UNISON is balloting members who work in universities on whether to take strike action over the employers’ miserly pay offer of 1.1%. UNISON’s higher education committee recommends members reject the…


  UNISON’s national Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) met on the 10th May 2016 to consider the full and final offer made by UCEA, the national higher education employers’ organisation.   After a long debate the HESGE voted unanimously to reject the employers’ offer. The committee was clear that the offer of 1.1% for most staff, with the removal of the bottom…

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