
Here is the last few years’ worth of newsletters for your perusal. We aim to produce one every month and are happy to feature anything you would like us to that we think members will find interesting or useful. Feel free to send us anything you’d like to include, and we’ll publish it, within reason, obviously.

UNISON Branch Newsletter – June 2024

Pay latest and National Delegate Conference report

UNISON Branch Newsletter – May 2024

General Election issues

UNISON Branch Newsletter – April 2024

University finances and 2024-25 pay negotiations

UNISON Branch Newsletter – March 2024

AGM, pay re-ballot plans and University negotiations

UNISON Branch Newsletter – February 2024

Last chance to vote, 2024 as a year of managed decline, HE Conference, AGM

UNISON Branch Newsletter – January 2024

Pay re-ballots – please return your ballot paper ASAP

UNISON Branch Newsletter – December 2023

Pay re-ballots and Christmas stuff

UNISON Branch Newsletter – November 2023

Pay re-ballot, HE Seminar reports

UNISON Branch Newsletter – October 2023

Pay strikes and funding crisis, Self-organised groups

UNISON Branch Newsletter – September 2023

October pay strikes – context and FAQs

UNISON Branch Newsletter – August 2023

2nd/3rd October strike days, UCU strike action, University funding

UNISON Branch Newsletter – July 2023

More on the pay ballot, redundancies, Trans Pride, National Delegate Conference

UNISON Branch Newsletter – June 2023

Pay ballot etc.

UNISON Branch Newsletter – May 2023

Redundancies, Pay Ballot

UNISON Branch Newsletter – April 2023

Self-Organised Groups, NEC Elections and Pay Ballot

UNISON Branch Newsletter – March 2023

Pay Campaign and Fossil Free Careers

UNISON Branch Newsletter – February 2023

More on the pay campaign and the AGMs

UNISON Branch Newsletter – January 2023

Pay Campaigns, Winter Fuel Grant and AGMs

UNISON Branch Newsletter – December 2022

Latest on the pay strikes and early AGM notice

UNISON Branch Newsletter – November 2022

24th, 25th and 30th November 2022 Pay Strikes

UNISON Branch Newsletter – October 2022

13th, 14th and 17th October 2022 Pay Strikes

UNISON Branch Newsletter – September 2022

2022-23 Pay Ballot result, launch of UNISON 2022 Stress Survey

UNISON Branch Newsletter – August 2022

More on the 2022-23 Pay Ballot – have you voted yet?

UNISON Branch Newsletter – July 2022

2022-23 Pay Ballot and lessons of earlier disputes

UNISON Branch Newsletter – June 2022

Pay campaigns, TUC National Demonstration

UNISON Branch Newsletter – May 2022

Pay campaigns so far and 2022-23 consultation, NDC, 18th June demonstration

HE Newsletter Template Spring 2022 (Final)

The latest edition of UNISON’s regional newsletter

UNISON Branch Newsletter – April 2022

April strikes, further actions and Dundee University pension dispute

UNISON Branch Newsletter – March 2022

April 1st and 4th Pay Strikes, Strike Pay

UNISON Branch Newsletter – February 2022

News of 1st and 2nd March Pay Strikes, AGM, Hardship Fund

UNISON Branch Newsletter – January 2022

Pay Campaigns, Covid, 2nd December Hardship Fund

UNISON Branch Newsletter – December 2021

Pay Campaigns, Eastbourne, People and Planet

HE Newsletter Winter 2021

The latest regional newsletter features our strike

UNISON Branch Newsletter -2nd December Strike Special Edition

A special edition for the strike on 2nd December

UNISON Branch Newsletter – November 2021

Eastbourne closure, Pay campaigns, COP26 demonstration

UNISON Branch Newsletter – October 2021

Covid latest, Pay Updates, Black History Month and calling all Young Members

UNISON Branch Newsletter – September 2021

Covid Aware?, Pay Ballot success, Young Members and COP 26

UNISON Branch Newsletter – July 2021

2020-21 Pay Ballot, Return to work, Nursery statement

HE Newsletter Summer 2021

Our regional newsletter for all higher education workers across the South East

UNISON Branch Newsletter – June 2021

One World Nursery postal ballot, Pay updates

UNISON Branch Newsletter – May 2021

One World Nursery campaign, Pay update, NEC elections

UNISON Branch Newsletter – April 2021

One World Nursery, Pay latest, Kill the Bill protests

UNISON Branch Newsletter – March 2021

Pay Campaign latest and April Equality Conference

UNISON Branch Newsletter – February 2021

NEC Nominations, Student Numbers, More on the 2021 Annual General Meeting

UNISON Branch Newsletter – January 2021

Covid latest, General Secretary election result, Annual General Meeting notice

UNISON Branch Newsletter – December 2020

Pay consultation result, plans for 2021

South East Region Newsletter Winter 2020

Pay consultation and Safety Issues

UNISON Branch Newsletter – November 2020

Pay consultation and General Secretary election

UNISON Branch Newsletter – October 2020

Returning to on-site provision, IS Consultative Ballot, Black History Month

UNISON Branch Newsletter – September 2020

Information Services (Securing our Future?), SOAS, USW

UNISON Branch Newsletter – August 2020

Reorganisations, return to the workplace and pay latest

HE Voice Summer 2020

The second issue of the South East Region newsletter

UNISON Branch Newsletter – July 2020

Return to on-campus work, Pay, thoughts about the University’s future

UNISON Branch Newsletter – June 2020

Black Lives Matter, post Covid-19, Equal pay, Petition for Higher Education

UNISON Branch Newsletter – May 2020

More on Covid-19, Campaign for Higher Education

UNISON Branch Newsletter – April 2020

Coronavirus Crisis

UNISON Branch Newsletter – March 2020

Annual General Meeting reports, Proposed University changes

UNISON Branch Newsletter – February 2020

Phoenix Nursery, Size & Shape and Academic Services, Self-organised groups and Higher Education Conference report

HE Voice Newsletter Issue 1

This is the first issue of the South East Region Higher Education Newsletter, published just after our annual Higher Education Conference

UNISON Branch Newsletter – January 2020

The future for higher education, Voluntary Severance, Securing Our Future and Demonstrator Contracts

UNISON Branch Newsletter – December 2019

UCU Strike, Birmingham victory, University cost-cutting

UNISON Branch Newsletter – November 2019

Pay ballot results, climate strike and “securing our future”

UNISON Branch Newsletter – October 2019

Final push on the pay ballot, climate change and parking

UNISON Branch Newsletter – September 2019

Pay Ballot, branch donations and UNISON offers for members

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