On-line Unionlearn Courses and Webinars

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If you’re interested, it’s worth looking at Unionlearn’s website, which has a load of courses and learing opportunities available to trade union members:


Unionlearn is the learning and skills organisation of the Trades Union Congress (TUC). Unionlearn works to assist unions in the delivery of learning opportunities for their members, as well as managing the Union Learning Fund (ULF).

What does unionlearn do?

Union learning helps people acquire skills and qualifications to boost their job prospects and improve their employability.

It supports a wide range of learning and is especially effective in helping learners with few or no prior qualifications.

At the same time, union learning helps learners make a positive contribution to the economy through better skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT as well as a wide range of other subjects at all skills levels.

Over the past 12 years, more than 40,000 Union Learning Representatives (ULRs) have been trained, and over a quarter of a million people are being given training and learning opportunities through their union every year.

Unionlearn is also responsible for providing education and training opportunities for workplace reps and professionals via TUC Education. Each year, more than 30,000 trade union reps enrol in trade union education courses organised by the TUC.

Changing lives through learning

Union learning is growing fast – almost every union is now involved in union learning, supported by unionlearn, helping hundreds of thousands of learners at all levels, from basic numeracy and literacy to degree level qualifications.




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