Thanks to everyone who responded to our consultation over industrial action to support the nursery workers at One World. Sorry for the multiple emails to ask you all to vote, but it was and still is important that we have an accurate assessment of the branch’s feeling over this issue.
On a 54.6% turnout,
86.7% of members who voted were willing to take strike action to prevent redundancies,
85.2% of members who voted were willing to take strike action to prevent the nursery closure.
This is great result under difficult circumstances, so thank you.
The branch committee agreed to ask for a formal industrial action ballot and this is now being prepared, so all University-employed members will receive ballot papers to their home addresses soon.
The campaign so far has resulted in the Vice-Chancellor trying to justify the decision to close the Nursery by arguing that the University “must focus our limited resources on activity that directly benefits the greatest number of students and staff.”
This is a dangerous argument. It contradicts all the equalities work the University has been proud of. It sets a precedent for closing down any activity which is specifically designed to provide help for members of staff and students who need it.
What the VC doesn’t say is that this is about apparently saving an £83,000 annual subsidy. This is a drop in the ocean, and a tiny fraction of the annual amount of money spent on consultants, agency staff and senior appointments. A new Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Enterprise will easily cost twice this much, for example. There’s absolutely no sense of proportion being applied here.
Our campaign to save One World continues. Please follow what we’re doing and make sure you’re prepared to vote YES to strengthen our campaign, save jobs and save childcare.