Author: Ivan Bonsell

Consultative Ballot over Compulsory Redundancies – Last chance to vote!

Our ballot closes at 5pm on Friday 16th October, so if you’ve not already voted, please do it now! All members working directly for the University (so excluding Students’ Union, L&Q or Kingdom Services) should vote. We want as large a turnout as possible, for two reasons. 1. It will show the University that our members are serious about defending…

UNISON Statement on the latest situation, 12th October 2020

As students return and activity continues to develop on-site, we want to be clear about what we think about the current situation and what we’d like the University to do.   Positive cases It’s clear that students are testing positive and the expectation is that the number of students with Covid (either with or without symptoms) will increase. There are…

Information Services – Compulsory Redundancies?

As you may be aware, the University are consulting with staff involved in IT and Reprographics over the outcome of the Securing Our Future report, which pretty much recommends reducing the number of people involved, whilst recruiting some new managers – in a word, compulsory redundancies. We’ve written, alongside UCU, to the Vice Chancellor, demanding no compulsory redundancies at a…

Return to Campus working?

There’s pages and pages we could write about this subject. This is a brief summary of our thinking at this point in time, Friday 11th September. What we’ve been doing Over the last few months, we’ve attended multiple safety meetings and discussions about what a safe return to campus teaching and research looks like. Our branch is very aware of…

August 2020 pay offer – 0%!!

Trade unions in higher education have received the initial offer from UCEA (the employers’ organisation) for a pay rise due in August. It’s nothing. So apart from adjustments at the bottom of the pay scale to maintain paying at least the National Living Wage, an “increase” of nothing represents a further real terms pay cut for higher education workers. Of…

On-line Unionlearn Courses and Webinars

Members may be interested in this: If you’re interested, it’s worth looking at Unionlearn’s website, which has a load of courses and learing opportunities available to trade union members:   Unionlearn is the learning and skills organisation of the Trades Union Congress (TUC). Unionlearn works to assist unions in the delivery of learning opportunities for their members, as well…

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