If you missed our pay ballot rally last week, you can watch it here, featuring our very own Lizzie.
Higher Education Pay – strike ballot online rally – YouTube
We’re now mid-way through our ballot. All members working directly for the University should have received a ballot paper at home, so please make sure you return it and let us know when you have done.
If you don’t have one – please call 0800 0 857 857 and ask for a replacement.
Ballot papers need to be returned by 26th August, so please make sure you’ve posted yours by Tuesday 23rd at the latest.
It’s important that we get the turnout, so that we can do something about this. We’re facing the largest real-terms pay cut ever, and that’s before energy prices go up even higher.
Please don’t leave it to others. Trade union members need to stick together and getting that bit of paper posted is your way of telling the employers that they can shove their pay cuts.