Annual General Meeting 2022

Thanks to everyone who made it to our Annual General Meeting this year. 

We’ll keep information here as a historic record, but if you’re looking for 2023’s AGM, please see the 2023 page.





Our AGM this year will take place on Wednesday 9th March 2022 at 12noon.

This will be on Teams,  but if you can’t make it we’ll be having a series of physical meeting across sites during the rest of March.

As usual, our AGM will be your chance to hold the branch committee to account and for us to democratically agree on new branch officers and stewards. We’re always looking for more members to get involved in what we do –  please let us know if you’re interested.

We’ll also discuss the way forward into 2022 and what our members would like us to focus on.

It’s been a significant year for our branch. We’ve campaigned over the Nursery closure and are currently in dispute over pay. We’ve taken three days of strike action and need to determine if we need to take more.

It’s crucial that members attend so that we can have the widest possible discussion about where we go from here. Please make sure you attend (virtually) if you can.

Managers are aware that all our members are entitled to attend the AGM in work time, provided you give your manager sufficient notice, especially if they need to arrange cover.


The papers for the meeting are here, and we’ll refer to them in the meeting:

Papers for UNISON Annual General Meeting 9th March 2022

If you are thinking of getting more involved in our branch, one way to do this is volunteering for an officer role. You can find further information about each of our officer roles by following these links. We’d normally encourage people to share roles if they are happy with that. Where we can’t reach agreement, we’ll organise an election of all members.

If you want to stand for any role please follow the link to the nomination form and fill in your details before Wednesday 16th February.

The nomination form is here.

If you want to find out more, feel free to contact us –

Our Branch Committee is also made up of stewards, health and safety and equality reps. If you’re interested in volunteering or finding out more, please get in touch.

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